Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Thomas Cranmer, Justin Welby and the Pope

With the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis the stream of professed Protestants lavishing their praise upon the papacy has continued in full flow. The recently elected Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has offered his warmest welcome to this man of sin in a statement which can be read here. In his statement he wishes the Pope his every blessing, desires that they would soon meet and be able to work together in the spirit of ecumenism. To describe the Pope in the manner he does, as an evangelist who shares the love of Christ is to display a great ignorance of the truth of Scripture, and of the true nature of the papacy. How far removed this is from the words of that great Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, who on the day of his execution said 'as for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ's enemy, and Antichrist with all his false doctrine'. What a change there has been. The views of the current Archbishop are at great variance with those of Cranmer, contrary to the teaching of scripture, and indeed opposed to the Church of England's own Articles of Faith. It would be of great benefit to that church if it were to return to the 39 Articles and to the word of God! How we need more Thomas Cranmers and fewer Justin Welbys. Sadly it appears that we are bereft of the former and surrounded by the later. Our only prayer for the papacy is for its downfall, for that day when Christ will overthrow antichrist and banish all false religion to the bottomless pit.

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